Tired Light
Welcome to the home of Tired Light In New Tired Light (NTL) the universe is static and not expanding. Redshifts are caused by photons losing energy as they travel through space. Their energy reduces, the frequency reduces and their wavelength increases. They have been redshifted. The New Tired Light Theory has the mechanism, It has the predictions and has been successfully tested using data from Fast Radio Bursts (FRB’s) Data from 14,577 cosmological objects and 14 FRBs confirm the predictions of new tired light (NTL) and lead to a new model of the IGM Calculating the redshifts of distant galaxies from first principles by the new tired light theory (NTL) Galaxies “Boiling off” electrons due tp the Photo-electric effect leading to a new model of the IGM and a possible mechanism for “Dark Matter.” A relationship betweem dispersion measure and redshift derived in terms of New Tired Light Or read the books at Amazon
© lyndon ashmore May, 30th. 2022
Tired Light
Welcome to the home of Tired Light In New Tired Light (NTL) the universe is static and not expanding. Redshifts are caused by photons losing energy as they travel through space. Their energy reduces, the frequency reduces and their wavelength increases. They have been redshifted. The New Tired Light Theory has the mechanism, It has the predictions and has been successfully tested using data from Fast Radio Bursts (FRB’s). Data from 14,577 cosmological objects and 14 FRBs confirm the predictions of new tired light (NTL) and lead to a new model of the IGM Calculating the redshifts of distant galaxies from first principles by the new tired light theory (NTL) Galaxies “Boiling off” electrons due tp the Photo-electric effect leading to a new model of the IGM and a possible mechanism for “Dark Matter.” A relationship betweem dispersion measure and redshift derived in terms of New Tired Light Or read the books at Amazon
© lyndon ashmore May, 30th. 2022